
Bacon Chive Cheddar Omelette Recipe

Good morning and welcome to the delicious world of omelettes! Today, we will be sharing a wonderful recipe for a bacon chive cheddar omelette that will satisfy any breakfast craving. This omelette is packed with flavors and is perfect for those who love the combination of savory and cheesy goodness. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy breakfast solution or want to impress your friends and family with your cooking skills, this recipe is sure to hit the spot. So, let’s get started and create the perfect bacon chive cheddar omelette! We’ve made this bacon chive cheddar omelette recipe easy to follow 👨‍🍳.

bacon chive cheddar omelette ingredients


  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 strips of bacon
  • 1 tbsp chopped chives
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1. Whisk together the eggs in a bowl and season with salt and pepper.2. Cook the bacon in a skillet until crispy, then remove from pan and crumble.3. In the same skillet, melt the butter.4. Pour the whisked eggs into the pan and let cook for 2-3 minutes on medium heat or until the eggs are set.5. Sprinkle the cheddar cheese and bacon crumbles on one half of the omelette.6. Using a spatula, fold the other half of the omelette over the fillings.7. Cook for another minute or until the cheese is melted and the omelette is golden brown.8. Sprinkle the chopped chives on top of the omelette for garnish and added flavor.9. Serve hot and enjoy! bacon chive cheddar omelette

How long does bacon chive cheddar omelette last in the fridge?

Bacon chive cheddar omelettes can be stored in the fridge for up to four days after cooking. However, it is important to store them properly in an airtight container to maintain their freshness and prevent any contamination. It is recommended to reheat the omelette thoroughly before consuming to ensure that it is safe to eat and retains its flavour and texture. It is not advisable to freeze this type of omelette as the texture may change upon thawing and reheating.

Low calorie bacon chive cheddar omelette recipe substitutions

To make this Bacon Chive Cheddar Omelette recipe lower in calories, a few substitutions can be made. Firstly, instead of using 2 strips of bacon, turkey bacon or Canadian bacon can be used as a healthier alternative as they are lower in calories and fat. Secondly, using a low-fat cheese or reducing the amount of cheese used can lower the calorie count. Finally, substituting the butter with a non-stick cooking spray or a small amount of olive oil can further reduce the calorie content. Making these substitutions while still following the same recipe will result in a lower-calorie Bacon Chive Cheddar Omelette that is still delicious and satisfying.

What to serve with bacon chive cheddar omelette?

There are many delicious options to serve with a bacon chive cheddar omelette! One classic choice would be some buttery toast or a warm croissant. If you’re looking for something a bit more savory, hash browns or roasted potatoes would make a great addition. For a healthier option, a green salad with a tangy vinaigrette would pair nicely. And of course, coffee or orange juice would make the perfect beverage accompaniment. Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal preferences and dietary needs!

Whats the best sauce for bacon chive cheddar omelette?

The best sauce for a bacon chive cheddar omelette would have to be a classic hollandaise sauce. Its rich, creamy texture and buttery flavor complement the salty and savory flavors of the bacon and cheddar cheese while also enhancing the herbs in the dish. The velvety smooth consistency of the hollandaise also lends itself well to the fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth texture of an omelette. Drizzle the hollandaise over the top of the omelette and sprinkle some more chives on top for a beautifully decadent and delicious breakfast dish.

Bacon chive cheddar omelette health benefits

While bacon chive cheddar omelette may be a tasty breakfast option, it unfortunately does not provide many significant health benefits. Bacon, while high in protein, is also high in saturated fat and sodium, both of which can be harmful in excess. Cheddar cheese is also high in saturated fat and salt. However, chives do contain vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants. To suggest a healthier recipe, a spinach and feta omelette may be a good alternative. Spinach is low in calories and high in vitamin K, fiber, and iron. Feta cheese is lower in fat and salt than cheddar, and also provides a good source of protein. The combination of spinach and feta creates a tasty and nutritious omelette option.





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