
Chorizo Artichoke Mozzarella Omelette Recipe

Welcome to our omelette recipe collection, where we have the perfect recipe for all your brunch or breakfast needs! Today we bring to you a delicious and hearty omelette filled with the flavors of chorizo, artichoke, and mozzarella cheese. Not only does it taste amazing, but it’s easy to make and will leave you feeling satisfied all morning! So, let’s get cooking and make this chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette together! We’ve made this chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette recipe easy to follow 👨‍🍳.

chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette ingredients


  • 2 chorizo sausages, sliced
  • 6 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup canned artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat and add 2 tbsp olive oil
  2. Slice 2 chorizo sausages and add to the skillet. Cook for 5-7 minutes until browned and crisp. Remove sausage from skillet and set aside
  3. Beat 6 eggs in a bowl and add to the skillet. Cook for 3-5 minutes until set
  4. Add the cooked chorizo, 1/2 cup drained and chopped canned artichoke hearts, and 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese to one half of the omelette
  5. Use a spatula to fold the other half of the omelette over the filling
  6. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes or until cheese is melted
  7. Season with salt and pepper to taste
  8. Remove from heat and serve immediately

chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette

How long does chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette last in the fridge?

Chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette can typically be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days after cooking. It should be refrigerated in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in cling film. When reheating, it is best to warm the omelette in the microwave or on the stovetop until it is heated through. It is important to enjoy your omelette while it is still fresh and delicious, so don’t wait too long to enjoy it!

Low calorie chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette recipe substitutions

To make this recipe lower in calories, there are a few substitutions that can be made. Firstly, you can use chicken or turkey sausage instead of the chorizo sausage, as these are usually lower in calories. You can also reduce the amount of cheese used or opt for a low-fat cheese option. Additionally, you can use cooking spray instead of olive oil to reduce the amount of added oil in the recipe. Finally, you can add more vegetables to the omelette and reduce the amount of sausage and cheese used. For example, you can add spinach, mushrooms, and tomatoes for added nutrients and flavor. Overall, these substitutions can help reduce the calorie content in this recipe while still maintaining its delicious taste.

What to serve with a chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette?

To complement the flavors of the chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette, it would be best to serve it with some crispy roasted potatoes and a fresh side salad. The roasted potatoes would offer a hearty texture and a savory taste that would go perfectly with the richness of the omelette. And the salad would provide a refreshing contrast to the warm egg dish and add some healthy greens to the meal. Additionally, a slice of crusty bread or a toasted English muffin would be a nice addition to mop up any leftover omelette.

Whats the best sauce for a chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette?

For a chorizo, artichoke, and mozzarella omelette, a great sauce option would be a tangy salsa verde. This sauce is easy to make with tomatillos, jalapenos, garlic, and cilantro, blended together for a fresh and bright flavor that complements the smoky chorizo, briny artichokes and creamy mozzarella. Salsa verde also adds a nice contrast with the omelette’s richness, giving the dish a balanced taste and texture. You can also add a drizzle of sour cream on top for an extra touch of creaminess and tanginess. Enjoy!

Chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette health benefits

Chorizo artichoke mozzarella omelette can be a tasty and satisfying breakfast option, but it is not particularly healthy due to the high levels of saturated fats and sodium found in chorizo. However, artichokes are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and mozzarella cheese contains protein and calcium. To make a healthier omelette, consider using lean proteins such as turkey or chicken sausage, swapping out higher fat cheeses for a low-fat variety, and incorporating more vegetables such as spinach or bell peppers. You can also try using egg whites or a combination of whole eggs and egg whites to reduce the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat. Overall, focusing on incorporating more whole foods and less processed ingredients can help make your omelette a nutritious and balanced breakfast option.





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