Tea eggs

Tea eggs

Welcome to Omelette Recipes! Today, I’m excited to share with you a traditional Chinese snack – tea eggs. These savory treats are easy to make and packed with flavor. With their beautiful marbling patterns, tea eggs are not only delicious but also visually stunning. Whether you’re looking for a low-cost snack or an impressive party appetizer, this tea egg recipe will not disappoint. So, let’s get started! We’ve made this tea eggs easy to follow 👨‍🍳.

tea eggs ingredients


  • Eggs 6
  • Black tea infusion 750 ml (24 fl oz /
  • 3 cups)
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Light soy sauce 2 Tbsp Star anise 3
  • Cinnamon stick 2, each 5-cm (2-in) long


  1. Hard-boil six eggs, ensure they are cooked through and then soak them in cold water until they cool down. Set aside.
  2. Gently tap each egg on a work surface or use the back of a spoon to crack shells all over. Be careful not to remove the shells, as they will allow the tea and spices to seep into the eggs.
  3. In a pot, bring 750 ml of black tea infusion to a boil and stir in one teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of light soy sauce. Add three star anise, and two cinnamon sticks, each 5-cm (2-in) long.
  4. Add the hard-boiled eggs into the pot with the tea infusion and let them simmer over low heat for 2 hours. Make sure the eggs are fully covered by the tea mixture.
  5. Keep an eye on the pot to ensure that it does not dry out. If necessary, add more water to the pot.
  6. Once finished, remove the pot from the heat, and let the eggs cool in the tea mixture for an additional 30 minutes to an hour.
  7. After an hour, remove each egg from the tea mixture, and remove the shell carefully. You will see a lovely marbled pattern on the egg.
  8. Serve the Tea Eggs warm, and enjoy!

tea eggs

How long does tea eggs last in the fridge?

Tea eggs can generally be stored in the fridge after cooking for 5-7 days. However, it is important to properly store the eggs in an airtight container to prevent them from absorbing any other flavors or moisture from the fridge. Additionally, it is important to check the eggs for any signs of spoilage before consuming them. Signs of spoilage include mold, strange odors, sliminess, or a sour taste. If any of these signs are present, it is best to dispose of the eggs and make a fresh batch.

Low calorie tea eggs substitutions

To make this recipe lower in calories, there are a few substitutions that can be made. Firstly, you can use egg whites instead of whole eggs, which reduces the calorie content significantly. Secondly, you can reduce the amount of salt added, which not only makes it lower in calories but also benefits those who are monitoring their sodium intake. Thirdly, you can use light soy sauce instead of regular soy sauce, which has a lower calorie content. Additionally, you can reduce the amount of black tea infusion used, and use more water instead to cook the eggs, which again reduces the calorie content. By making these substitutions, you can make this tea egg recipe lower in calories while maintaining its delicious taste.

What to serve with tea eggs?

Tea eggs are a savory snack that are great to serve alongside other flavorful bites. Some great options include pickled vegetables, roasted nuts, cured meats, and hard cheeses. You could also add some fresh vegetables like sliced cucumbers or carrots for some refreshing contrast. Another great option is to serve tea eggs with a dipping sauce made from soy sauce, vinegar, and chili oil. This will help to balance out the saltiness of the eggs with some tang and spice. Overall, tea eggs make a great addition to any snack spread or appetizer plate, so feel free to get creative with your pairings!

Whats the best sauce for tea eggs?

There are a few sauces that can complement the earthy flavor of tea eggs, but one of the best choices is soy sauce. The salty and savory flavors of soy sauce enhance the subtle taste of the tea and spices used to make the eggs. To create a simple yet tasty dipping sauce for tea eggs, mix soy sauce, a small amount of sugar, some chopped green onions or cilantro, and a splash of sesame oil. This sauce can be adjusted to your taste preferences by adding more or less sugar or spices. Overall, soy sauce provides a delicious addition to tea eggs and brings out their unique flavor.

Tea eggs health benefits

Tea eggs are a popular snack in some parts of the world, primarily in China. These eggs are boiled in a mixture of water, tea, and an assortment of spices and seasonings, resulting in a unique flavor profile. In terms of health benefits, tea eggs are a good source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissue in the body. They also contain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, that are important for bone health. Additionally, the brewing process can infuse the eggs with antioxidants, which can help protect the body against free radical damage and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.





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