
Austrian Egg Recipe

Welcome to our Omelette Recipes website! Today, we are excited to present to you a fine and delicious recipe for Austrian Egg. This omelette dish is packed with a unique and delightful flavor that will surely satisfy your taste buds. It’s a perfect breakfast meal that is easy and quick to make. So come along and join us as we guide you through the steps to creating this delightful dish. Let’s get started! We’ve made this austrian egg recipe easy to follow 👨‍🍳.

austrian egg ingredients


  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup cream
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives


  1. In a small saucepan, place the butter and melt it over low heat until it’s completely liquid.
  2. Add the cream, a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper to the melted butter, stirring them together.
  3. Crack 4 eggs into a separate small saucepan over low heat.
  4. Pour the butter and cream mixture over the eggs in the saucepan.
  5. Cover the saucepan, and let simmer for about 3-4 minutes, or until the egg yolks and whites have set and are no longer runny.
  6. Once they are finished, chop about 1 tablespoon of fresh chives, and sprinkle them over the eggs.
  7. Enjoy your delicious Austrian eggs!

austrian egg

How long does austrian egg last in the fridge?

Austrian eggs are a popular snack and breakfast dish that can be easily prepared by boiling eggs and serving them with spices or sauces. If you have leftover Austrian eggs or want to make a batch for meal prep, you may be wondering how long they can be stored in the fridge. Generally, cooked eggs can be stored in the fridge for up to one week. However, it is important to note that the quality and freshness of the eggs may decrease over time. To ensure the safety and freshness of the eggs, store them in an airtight container and label them with the date they were cooked. If you notice any signs of spoilage, such as a sour smell or discoloration, discard the eggs immediately.

Low calorie austrian egg recipe substitutions

To make this Austrian Egg recipe lower in calories, there are several substitutions you can make. Firstly, you can replace the butter with a healthier alternative such as olive oil or a low-fat cooking spray. Secondly, you can reduce the amount of cream used or replace it with a low-fat milk alternative such as almond or skim milk. Additionally, you can use egg whites instead of whole eggs or a combination of egg whites and whole eggs to lower the calorie content. Finally, you can omit the chives or use a small amount as a garnish to further reduce the calorie count. By making these substitutions, you can make this dish healthier and more suitable for those looking to cut down on calories in their diet.

What to serve with a austrian egg?

Austrian egg is a delicious and nutritious dish that contains boiled eggs accompanied with a mixture of spinach, garlic, and cream. To balance out the flavors and textures of this dish, it is best to serve it with some crusty bread, fresh salad, or some roasted vegetables. The bread will provide a nice crunch and absorb some of the creaminess of the spinach mixture, while the salad or vegetables will add some freshness and color to the dish. A side of cucumber or tomato salad would also be a great addition as they help to cut through the richness of the cream sauce. Serve hot and enjoy!

Whats the best sauce for a austrian egg?

A classic Austrian egg dish, such as Wiener Eierspeis or Kaiserschmarrn, can be enhanced by a variety of sauces. One of the best options is a simple herb and sour cream sauce made by mixing sour cream, chopped fresh dill, salt, and pepper. This sauce adds a tangy and fresh flavor to the dish, while the dill complements the rich, velvety texture of the eggs. Other delicious options include tomato sauce, hollandaise sauce, or a spicy pepper sauce for those who like a bit of heat. Ultimately, the choice of sauce will depend on personal preference and the specific flavors of the dish.

Austrian egg health benefits

There is no specific health benefit linked to eating Austrian eggs. However, eggs, in general, are an excellent source of protein and contain other vital nutrients such as vitamin D and choline. Additionally, the yolk of the egg is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential for healthy eyes. Omelets are a popular alternative dish that includes eggs but can be made with additional veggies and lean protein options like mushrooms, spinach, kale, and grilled chicken or turkey for added nutrients.





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