
Polish Egg Recipe

Welcome to this delicious recipe for Polish Egg Omelette! This traditional dish is a hearty and satisfying breakfast option that will keep you energized all morning. Made with just a few simple ingredients like eggs, potatoes, onions, and butter, this omelette is easy to make and bursting with flavor. Whether you’re a fan of classic omelettes or looking to try something new, this recipe is the perfect way to start your day. Let’s get started! We’ve made this polish egg recipe easy to follow 👨‍🍳.

polish egg ingredients


  • 6 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon butter


  1. Place 6 large eggs in a medium saucepan and cover with cold water.
  2. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the eggs and rinse under cold running water until cool. Peel and slice the eggs in half lengthwise.
  4. In a medium bowl, whisk together 1/2 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup milk, salt, and pepper until smooth.
  5. In a large skillet, melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat. Add the egg halves, cut-side down, and cook for 1-2 minutes until lightly golden.
  6. Pour the sour cream mixture over the eggs and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes until heated through and slightly thickened.
  7. Serve immediately and enjoy!

polish egg

How long does polish egg last in the fridge?

Hard-boiled eggs, including traditional Polish eggs, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week. However, it is recommended that they are peeled before being stored to prevent the shells from absorbing unwanted flavors and odors from other foods in the fridge. To extend their shelf life, it is also advisable to keep them in an airtight container or plastic bag and place them in the back of the fridge where it’s coldest. Once peeled, the eggs should be consumed within two days for optimal freshness and safety. Always check for any signs of spoilage or off odor before consuming any egg dish.

Low calorie polish egg recipe substitutions

To make this Polish Egg recipe lower in calories, there are a few substitutions that could be made. Instead of using regular sour cream, low-fat or non-fat sour cream can be used. Milk can also be substituted for a lower fat alternative like almond milk or skim milk. For the butter, a non-stick cooking spray can be used instead. Additionally, using only the egg whites instead of the yolks can significantly reduce the calorie count while still providing protein. Overall, these substitutions can lower the calorie count of this dish while still maintaining its flavor and texture.

What to serve with a polish egg?

Polish eggs, also known as “jajka faszerowane,” are typically stuffed with a creamy mixture of yolk, mayo, mustard, and often ham or bacon. To complement the rich and savory flavors of the eggs, serve with a light and fresh side salad such as a cucumber and dill salad, or a mixed green salad dressed with a lemon vinaigrette. Additionally, a side of crusty bread or boiled potatoes can help balance the texture and add a heartier element to the dish. Enjoy!

Whats the best sauce for a polish egg?

Polish eggs are a popular dish consisting of hard-boiled eggs that have been peeled, sliced in half, and served cold. The best sauce for Polish eggs would be a simple and flavorful dill sauce. This sauce is made by mixing together sour cream, chopped fresh dill, garlic, salt, and pepper. The tangy and savory flavors of the sour cream pair perfectly with the mild and creamy flavor of the eggs, while the dill adds a refreshing and herbaceous note. This sauce can be served on the side or drizzled over the eggs for added flavor and texture.

Polish egg health benefits

Polish egg, also known as jajko w koszulce, is a traditional Polish dish where a boiled egg is wrapped in a coating of egg whites and then boiled again. While it is a delicious and flavorful meal, there are no specific health benefits associated with eating this dish. However, there are many other healthy recipes that you can try like a spinach and feta egg white omelet or a vegetable frittata which pack in nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These recipes are low in fat, high in protein, and can be customized to include your favorite vegetables, making them a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet.





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